Theta Chapter
Wilmington, North Carolina
Region IV
The North Carolina State Organization
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Invite fellow educators to meet Theta members & learn about DKG at our
"Wine Down " Wednesday
September 18 2024 at 5 pm
Coquina Fishbar
Mayfaire Center
890 Town Center Drive
NC DKG delegates at the DKG convention in National Harbor
DKG International Convention
in National Harbor MD in July 2024
Nakita Thomas and Elizabeth Miars represented Theta Chapter with the DKG convention at National Harbor MD in July, along with 32 NC DKG members. DKG officers for the 2024-2025 biennium were installed and A Celebration of Life recognized deceased members in 17 countries. Featured speakers were Margot Lee Shetterly, author of the book "Hidden Figures" and Andre Bradford, slam poet. Dr. Angela Hill, NC DKG member, received her doctoral cords during a ceremony. Delegates enjoyed playing Goosechase throughout the week, highlighting their DKG participation with photos on the Goosechase app.
Elizabeth Miars and Nakita Thomas represented Theta Chapter at the DKG convention.
Tammy Cullom awarded the NC Star of the Southeast by Hilda Parler, NC DKG President & Teresa Cowan, DKG Southeast Regional Director.
Author of "Hidden Figures", recently released as a movie, Margot Lee Shetterly, offered a challenge for discovering those teachers who make a difference.
Teresa Cowan, NC delegate, receives gift for her service as the Southeast Regional Director 2022-2024.
May Meeting Highlights Educator Grants-Retirements-Convention 2024
Our May meeting at the Landfall Library began with presentations by the 2024 Educator Grant winners to showcase their project achievements. Mary Paul Beall, LIz Day and Melanie Ivey were recognized for recent retirements from the public schools. Judy Busick narrated a slideshow created by Sylvia Quinn highlighting the 2024 convention in Durham attended by 11 Theta members. View slideshow at the bottom of the page.
Tiffany Hansley-Jones presents photography project.
Trevor Judy, Ashley Berdeau, Tiffany Hansley-Jones shared project results at our May meeting.
Trevor Judy discusses the use of video camera to share band concerts.
Mary Paul Beall, Liz Day and Melanie Ivey were recognized for their recent retirements from public education.
Congratulations to the 2024 Marilyn F Grinwis Gray Scholarship Winners!
Kayla Coonfare
Elementary Education - Appalachian State University
Kyle Gray
Music Education - University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Emily Klinkoski
Music Education - University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Richard Nuckolls
Music Education - Appalachian State University
Rebecca Snyder
Music Education - University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Congratulations to our Endowed UNCW Scholarship recipient- Andrew Izzo
Andrew earned his Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education at UNCW and is now working on his Master of Education in Higher Education. His goal is to help other UNCW students in an advisory capacity. This award was over $2500 and originated from the Endowed UNCW DKG (Theta Chapter) funds.
2023 Theta Chapter Educator Grant Winners
Four $500 Educator Grants were awarded to these Pender County educators in November to produce classroom projects for their classrooms during this school year:
Ashley Berdeau - Surf City Middle School
"Digital Art for ALL" will encourage students to create digital art for presentation using Google Draw.
Tiffany Hansley-Jones - Rocky Point Elementary School
"Literacy Through Photography" will offer a forum and creative way to increase literacy skills by combining the visual linguistics and emotional aspects of learning.
Trevor Judy - Surf City Middle School
"Bringing the Digitally Connected World to Band Class" will purchase a camera for the band to live stream performances for family and community members. Students will access composer biographies to learn about composers - their music and composition.
Ashley LaSalandra - Malpass Corner Elementary School
"Social Emotional Zones" will develop social emotional learning spaces ("calm down zones") for students of diverse needs throughout the school and individual classrooms.
Connie Marks and Linda Jobe present check to Tiffany Hansley-Jones with April Batts, Student Support Associate.
Ashley LaSalandra receives check from Connie Marks and Linda Jobe. Principal Avery Ellington and Assistant Principal Tiffany Locklear are also pictured in this photo.
Gretchen Simmons presents checks to Ashley Berdeau and Trevor Judy, along with Principal Crystal Hall.
January Meeting Highlights Current Trends in NC Public Education
Dee Snyder
Our January 27th meeting at the New Hanover County Arboretum featured two members of the NC DKG Educational Law & Policy Committee, Dr. Malinda Pennington and Dee Snyder, who provided insight into current political activities affecting public education in North Carolina. As in previous years, our chapter invited members of Brunswick County chapter, Delta Iota, to join our meeting. Three members of Delta Iota, including Regional Director Tammy Albright, were in attendance. The 2024-2026 slate of officers were approved by members and will be installed at the March meeting.
Dr. Malinda Pennington
Support for Domestic Violence
Theta Chapter and Educational Excellence Committee member Nakita Thomas (R) is pictured presenting a check for $618 to Kaitlin Harrison, representing Domestic Violence Shelter & Services in Wilmington. Their mission is to “work towards the elimination of domestic violence and provide emergency and support services for survivors of domestic violence.” This represents the successful conclusion of one of Theta’s community projects for this fiscal year.
Welcome to new member Phyllis Edgerton!
Phyllis joined our November meeting and has officially transferred to our chapter from Gamma Theta Chapter in Raleigh where she was inducted in 2014. Phyllis served as her chapter secretary. She retired from Wake County Schools in 2016.
Pictures from our November Meeting Highlighting Classroom Technology
Connie Marks, Theta president, presents gift to NC DKG President Hilda Parlér, our guest speaker.
Judy Gardner explores virtual reality with Liz Day's assistance.
Phyllis Edgerton, transfer member from Gamma Theta, observes Hudson Prokop maneuvering a drone.
Virginia Teachey tackles virtual reality for her first time.
Congratulations to the 2023 Marilyn F Grinwis Gray Scholarship Winners!
Each winner receives a $3000 scholarship to study Elementary Education or Music Education.
Tiffani Cash is a Teacher Assistant in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and full time student at Winston-Salem State University majoring in Elementary Education. She plans to complete her bachelor’s degree program in December and continue teaching in WS/FCS. Tiffani was recently named Winston-Salem/Forsyth Schools' Classified Employee of the Year!
Eric Demetrius Harmon is a graduate student at NC A&T State University seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching and certification in elementary education. His plans include teaching at the elementary level and eventually opening his own school.
Sherre Ojeda is a graduate student at UNC Wilmington seeking a Masters of Teaching degree in Elementary Education. Fluent in oral and written Spanish, she aspires to make the educational experience less intimidating and more welcoming for Spanish speaking students and their families. Sherre recently received UNCW Watson School of Education's Exemplary Intern Award!
Grace Pedigo is an undergraduate at Appalachian State University majoring in Elementary Education. She feels her experience in Germany attending a DoDEA school and becoming bilingual will help her better understand the needs of students who are English language learners.
Mary Katherine Raynor, senior at NC Wesleyan University, believes her experience as a student athlete has helped her learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, respect, and compassion which will serve her well as an educator. Upon graduation, she plans to seek a teaching position at the k-6 level in NC.
Dakota (Cody) Wiseman, a junior at East Carolina University is majoring in Music Education. After completing his bachelors degree, he plans to teach in eastern NC. In the future he would like to continue his education pursuing a masters and potentially a doctorate in music education and philosophy.
Theta Welcomes Transfer Member Mary Kay Longo!
Mary Kay Longo transferred to Theta Chapter from Alpha Nu Chapter in New York. She is pictured with Elizabeth Miars who welcomed her to our May meeting. Mary Kay shared information about her DKG experience in New York. Mary Kay is a retired elementary school teacher who moved to North Carolina with her husband to be closer to her children. She and her husband are avid golfers. We look forward to her contributions to our chapter.
Theta and Beta Phi Past Presidents
Founders Day Meeting Celebrated Member Achievements
The March 18, 2023 meeting at the Wrightsville Beach Recreation Center honored Theta founders and past presidents for Theta and Beta Phi chapters, celebrated member longevity and welcomed former members from both chapters to celebrate with us. Attendees participated in a Jeopardy game created by Claire Bennett to test our knowledge of DKG past and present and other topics.
Past Presidents were acknowledged with a rose bouquet and members with 25-45 years of service received pins to recognize their society commitment. Committee reports highlighted activities such as our ongoing donations to the Harrelson Center, Beginning Teacher notes and gift bags and upcoming Theta yard sale to benefit our scholarship fund. Liz Day announced that she will represent our chapter at the NC DKG Leadership Development Seminar at Camp Carraway later this month. The luncheon following the meeting was an opportunity for fellowship among former and current Theta members.
Dee Snyder, (center) NC DKG Educational Law & Policy Committee member, presented our program with assistance from Theta members Delane Mitchell (left) and Claire Bennett.
Tammy Albright, NC DKG Region IV Director, attended our meeting along with fellow Delta Iota members, Betty Pittman and Katie Bennette.
DKG Southeast Regional Director Dr. Teresa Cowan (right) was joined by her sister Wynne Anderson, DKG member from Tennessee.
Claire Bennett and Judy Busick stand behind the display in memory of deceased member Sophie Floyd who was honored during the program.
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